
Indrustry Based
Protecting Your Digital World with Intelligent, Adaptive Technology
(customer reviews)

Webroot is a global leader in cybersecurity, delivering top-tier solutions designed to safeguard businesses, individuals, and devices from online threats. With a unique cloud-based architecture, Webroot’s offerings are lightweight, fast, and incredibly efficient. Their software adapts and evolves, providing proactive protection that keeps up with emerging threats.



Webroot is a global leader in cybersecurity, delivering top-tier solutions designed to safeguard businesses, individuals, and devices from online threats. With a unique cloud-based architecture, Webroot’s offerings are lightweight, fast, and incredibly efficient. Their software adapts and evolves, providing proactive protection that keeps up with emerging threats.

Other Products of Webroot:
Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus: Real-time threat protection for PCs and Macs.
Webroot Internet Security Plus: Enhanced identity theft protection and password management.
Webroot Internet Security Complete: Full-featured suite with 25GB of secure online storage.
Webroot DNS Protection: Robust defense against phishing and other malicious site redirections.
Webroot Security Awareness Training: Empowers employees with cybersecurity education.

Key benefits of Webroot

  • Multi-Layered Security: Protects against viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, and more.
  • Cloud-Based Architecture: Minimal system impact ensures optimal performance.
  • Real-Time Threat Intelligence: Constantly updates to tackle new threats as they emerge.
  • Identity and Privacy Protection: Safeguards personal and financial information.
  • Flexible Solutions: Suitable for individuals, families, and businesses of all sizes.

Pricing details

SecureAnywhere AntiVirus: $29.99/year
Internet Security Plus: $59.99/year (3 Devices)
Internet Security Complete: $79.99/year (5 Devices)
DNS Protection: Custom pricing
Security Awareness Training: Custom pricing


Q: Does Webroot protect against phishing attacks?
A: Yes, Webroot provides comprehensive protection against phishing attempts and malicious websites.

Q: Can Webroot SecureAnywhere be used on mobile devices?
A: Webroot offers specific protection for Android and iOS devices through its mobile security solutions.

Q: How does the cloud-based architecture benefit users?
A: Webroot’s cloud-based approach allows for faster scans, real-time updates, and minimal impact on system performance.

Q: Is there a trial version available for Webroot products?
A: Webroot typically offers a 14-day free trial for its primary products.

Q: What support options are available for Webroot customers?
A: Support is available through online resources, email, chat, and phone.

Product Pricing

Product Webroot
Price $0/User/Month


Real-Time Threat Protection
Password Manager
Secure Browsing
Ransomware Defense

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019