Microsoft Surface Laptop 4

Indrustry Based
A New Benchmark in Design, Performance, and Flexibility
(customer reviews)

The Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 is the latest offering in Microsoft's acclaimed Surface line, representing a pinnacle of engineering, design, and functionality. Equipped with a choice of 11th Gen Intel Core or AMD Ryzen processors, this sleek laptop combines raw power with elegance, offering a seamless experience for both professionals and creatives.


What is Microsoft Surface Laptop 4?

The Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 is the latest offering in Microsoft's acclaimed Surface line, representing a pinnacle of engineering, design, and functionality. Equipped with a choice of 11th Gen Intel Core or AMD Ryzen processors, this sleek laptop combines raw power with elegance, offering a seamless experience for both professionals and creatives.

Key benefits of  Microsoft Surface Laptop 4

  • Performance: Blazing-fast processors and ample RAM ensure smooth multitasking.
  • Battery Life: Up to 32 hours of battery life, empowering users to work or play all day.
  • Display: High-resolution PixelSense touchscreen offers vibrant colors and sharp details.
  • Design: Elegant and lightweight, crafted with premium materials.
  • Versatility: Offers models with both Intel and AMD processors to suit different preferences.

Pricing details

Surface Laptop 4 (13.5" with Intel Core i5): $999.99
Surface Laptop 4 (13.5" with AMD Ryzen 5): $1,199.99
Surface Laptop 4 (15" with Intel Core i7): $1,599.99
Surface Laptop 4 (15" with AMD Ryzen 7): $1,699.99
Additional Accessories and Extended Warranty: Varied pricing


Q: What's the difference between the Intel and AMD models?
A: The Intel models generally offer better single-core performance, while the AMD models may provide better multi-core performance.

Q: Does the Surface Laptop 4 support external monitors?
A: Yes, through the USB-C port or Surface Dock, multiple external monitors can be connected.

Q: Is the RAM or storage upgradable?
A: No, RAM and storage are not user-upgradable.

Q: What's the warranty period for the Surface Laptop 4?
A: It comes with a standard one-year limited hardware warranty. Extended warranties are available.

Q: Can the Surface Laptop 4 run demanding applications like Adobe Photoshop?
A: Yes, with powerful processors and sufficient RAM, it can handle demanding software smoothly.

Product Pricing

Product Microsoft Surface Laptop 4
Price $0/User/Month


Windows 10 Home
Microsoft Office Integration
Windows Hello

Device Support

Bluetooth 5.1
Wi-Fi 6

Pricing Option

Premium Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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