Dell XPS 13 (2021)

Indrustry Based
The Fusion of Elegance, Power, and Innovation
(customer reviews)

The Dell XPS 13 (2021) represents a new horizon in business laptops, infusing elegance with high-end performance. Crafted with premium materials and sporting a stunning 13.4-inch display, this ultraportable powerhouse is designed to meet the demands of modern professionals.


What is  Dell XPS 13?

The Dell XPS 13 (2021) represents a new horizon in business laptops, infusing elegance with high-end performance. Crafted with premium materials and sporting a stunning 13.4-inch display, this ultraportable powerhouse is designed to meet the demands of modern professionals.

Key benefits of Dell XPS 13

  • Portability: Ultra-light and sleek design for maximum mobility.
  • Performance: Powered by the latest Intel processors, ensuring smooth multitasking.
  • Battery Life: All-day battery life to keep you productive.
  • Display Quality: InfinityEdge display provides vibrant colors and sharp details.
  • Durability: Constructed with premium materials for longevity.

Pricing details

Base Model: $999 - Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD
Advanced Model: $1,199 - Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
Premium Model: $1,599 - Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Touchscreen
Customization Options: Additional upgrades available for memory, storage, and other specifications.


Q: Can the Dell XPS 13 (2021) support external monitors?
A: Yes, through Thunderbolt 4 ports, multiple external monitors can be connected.

Q: What are the warranty options for this laptop?
A: Different warranty and support packages are available, ranging from basic to premium support.

Q: Is the RAM in the Dell XPS 13 (2021) upgradeable?
A: RAM is soldered onto the motherboard, so it's not user-upgradable.

Q: Does it have a dedicated graphics card?
A: It relies on integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics, suitable for general use but not for heavy gaming.

Q: How does the Adaptive Thermal Technology work?
A: It changes the power profile and cooling method based on whether the laptop is in your lap, on a desk, or being held, to provide optimal performance.

Product Pricing

Product Dell XPS 13 (2021)
Price $0/User/Month


Dell Mobile Connect
Dell Power Manager
Secure Biometric Authentication
Adaptive Thermal Technology

Device Support


Pricing Option

Free plan
Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019