Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2

Indrustry Based
A Comprehensive Review of Sennheiser's Flagship Earbuds
(customer reviews)

Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2, the successor to Sennheiser's Momentum True Wireless, offers a captivating blend of design, comfort, and sound. Building upon the legacy of its predecessor, these earbuds bring enhanced features and refinements that appeal to audiophiles and casual listeners alike.



What is Sennheiser Momentum?

Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2, the successor to Sennheiser's Momentum True Wireless, offers a captivating blend of design, comfort, and sound. Building upon the legacy of its predecessor, these earbuds bring enhanced features and refinements that appeal to audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

With active noise cancellation, these earbuds transport you into a world of sound, devoid of distractions. Their ergonomic design ensures comfort, and the customizable touch controls put the power of your audio experience at your fingertips.

Other Products of Sennheiser:
Sennheiser HD 660 S: Over-ear headphones with an open-back design.
Sennheiser PXC 550-II: Wireless headphones with adaptive noise cancellation.
Sennheiser CX 400BT: True wireless earbuds offering an excellent price-to-performance ratio.
Sennheiser HD 350BT: Over-ear headphones with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity.

Key benefits of Sennheiser Momentum

  • Unparalleled Sound Quality: Sennheiser's signature sound profile.
  • Active Noise Cancellation: Eliminates distractions for a pure listening experience.
  • Long Battery Life: Up to 28 hours with the charging case.
  • Ergonomic Design: Ensures comfort during extended use.

Pricing details

Momentum True Wireless 2: $299.95
HD 660 S: $499.95
PXC 550-II: $349.95
CX 400BT: $199.95
HD 350BT: $119.95


Q: What's the difference between Momentum True Wireless and Momentum True Wireless 2?
A: The Momentum True Wireless 2 offers enhanced noise cancellation, improved battery life, and more ergonomic design.

Q: Does Momentum True Wireless 2 support wireless charging?
A: Yes, it supports wireless charging with a compatible charging pad.

Q: Can I use the Sennheiser app to customize controls on both iOS and Android?
A: Yes, the Sennheiser app is available on both platforms, allowing customization.

Q: Is the Momentum True Wireless 2 waterproof?
A: They are rated IPX4, providing splash resistance.

Product Pricing

Product Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2
Price $0/User/Month


Customizable Equalizer

Device Support

Android App
iOS App
Bluetooth 5.1

Pricing Option

Standard Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019