1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone

Indrustry Based
Unleashing the Power of Three - A Symphony in Your Ears
(customer reviews)

The 1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone is not just another pair of earphones; it's an auditory experience, delivering clarity, depth, and precision. Each earpiece houses three separate drivers: a dynamic driver coupled with two balanced armatures. This triple collaboration crafts a sound experience that's crisp, rich, and truly balanced.


What is 1MORE Triple ?

The 1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone is not just another pair of earphones; it's an auditory experience, delivering clarity, depth, and precision. Each earpiece houses three separate drivers: a dynamic driver coupled with two balanced armatures. This triple collaboration crafts a sound experience that's crisp, rich, and truly balanced.

Other Products of the Brand
1MORE Quad Driver In-Ear Earphones: For those seeking an even more intricate sound profile.
1MORE Stylish True Wireless In-Ear Headphones: Offering a blend of aesthetics and sound quality.
1MORE Dual Driver BT ANC In-Ear Headphones: If noise cancellation is your priority.

Key Benefits

  • Unparalleled Sound Quality: The triple driver system ensures clarity across all audio frequencies.
  • Ergonomic Design: Designed for comfort during prolonged use.
  • Versatility: Suitable for both casual listeners and audiophiles.
  • Durability: Sturdy build ensures a lasting life.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with various devices.

Pricing details

1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone: $99.99
1MORE Quad Driver In-Ear Earphones: $149.99
1MORE Stylish True Wireless In-Ear Headphones: $79.99
1MORE Dual Driver BT ANC In-Ear Headphones: $129.99


Q: What is the warranty on the 1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone?
A: It comes with a one-year manufacturer warranty.

Q: Is there a microphone included?
A: Yes, it includes an in-line microphone for calls.

Q: Can I use it with my gaming console?
A: Yes, it's compatible with most gaming consoles.

Q: Are replacement ear tips available?
A: The package includes additional ear tips of various sizes.

Q: How does the Triple Driver system affect the sound quality?
A: The Triple Driver system ensures that each frequency range is accurately represented, providing a more immersive and detailed listening experience.

Product Pricing

Product 1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Earphone
Price $0/User/Month


In-line Controls
Tuned by Grammy

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Premium Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.

John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019