Lenovo ThinkPad L14

Indrustry Based
Unleash Productivity and Innovation with the New Generation Business Laptop
(customer reviews)

The Lenovo ThinkPad L14 is a reliable and robust business laptop designed with the modern professional in mind. It’s an investment in quality, offering a strong balance of performance, security, and affordability. The ThinkPad series is renowned for its durable build and ergonomic design, and the L14 continues this tradition with enhanced features tailored for the contemporary workspace.


What is Lenovo ThinkPad L14?

The Lenovo ThinkPad L14 is a reliable and robust business laptop designed with the modern professional in mind. It’s an investment in quality, offering a strong balance of performance, security, and affordability. The ThinkPad series is renowned for its durable build and ergonomic design, and the L14 continues this tradition with enhanced features tailored for the contemporary workspace.

Key benefits of Lenovo ThinkPad L14

  • Performance-Oriented: Various configurations provide options for optimal performance based on needs.
  • Rugged Design: MIL-SPEC tested, ensuring durability and resistance to wear and tear.
  • Security-Focused: Features like fingerprint reader and TPM for secure authentication.
  • Ergonomic Build: Renowned ThinkPad keyboard, with TrackPoint for comfortable use.
  • Affordable: A cost-effective option for small to medium-sized businesses, without sacrificing quality.

Pricing details

Base Model: Starting at $799 - AMD Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD
Mid-Range Model: Starting at $999 - Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
High-End Model: Starting at $1,299 - Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD
Add-Ons & Customizations: Additional costs for upgraded display, extended warranty, etc.


Q: Does the Lenovo ThinkPad L14 come with a warranty?
A: Yes, it includes a standard one-year warranty, with options to extend.

Q: Can the L14 be customized at the time of purchase?
A: Lenovo offers various customization options, including CPU, RAM, storage, and display.

Q: Is the ThinkPad L14 suitable for gaming?
A: While not designed for gaming, its high-end configuration can handle casual gaming.

Q: What security features are included?
A: Features include a fingerprint reader, TPM 2.0, and optional Smart Card reader.

Q: How does it perform in terms of battery life?
A: The L14 offers up to 12 hours of battery life, depending on configuration and usage.

Product Pricing

Product Lenovo ThinkPad L14
Price $0/User/Month


Windows 10 Pro
Lenovo Vantage
Optional WWAN

Device Support

Wi-Fi 6

Pricing Option

Standard Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019