Bowers & Wilkins PI7

Indrustry Based
Unraveling High-Fidelity Sound, Craftsmanship, and Innovation
(customer reviews)

The Bowers & Wilkins PI7 is more than just an earphone; it's an experience in sound that epitomizes quality, design, and technological brilliance. Crafted to perfection, these true wireless earbuds redefine what audio fidelity means in a compact form factor.


What is Bowers & Wilkins PI7?

The Bowers & Wilkins PI7 is more than just an earphone; it's an experience in sound that epitomizes quality, design, and technological brilliance. Crafted to perfection, these true wireless earbuds redefine what audio fidelity means in a compact form factor.

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Key benefits of  Bowers & Wilkins PI7

  • High-Resolution Audio Performance: Immerse in the unparalleled audio experience.
  • Adaptive Noise Cancelation: Blocks out distractions.
  • Comfortable Design: Ergonomic fit for extended use.
  • Wireless Transmission: Includes a unique audio retransmission feature through its case.
  • Battery Life: Up to 20 hours with the charging case.

Pricing details

Bowers & Wilkins PI7: $399
Accessories and optional customizations may vary the final price.


Q: What makes Bowers & Wilkins PI7 unique?
A: The PI7 offers a distinctive audio retransmission feature and unmatched sound quality.

Q: Is the Bowers & Wilkins PI7 worth the price?
A: Considering the build, sound quality, and features, many users find the PI7 to be a worthwhile investment.

Q: How does the audio retransmission feature work?
A: The charging case can connect to an external audio source and retransmit the sound to the earbuds.

Q: What devices are compatible with the Bowers & Wilkins PI7?
A: The PI7 supports most devices with Bluetooth, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Q: Can I customize the sound on Bowers & Wilkins PI7?
A: Yes, through the accompanying app, you can customize sound profiles.

Q: Is there any warranty on Bowers & Wilkins PI7?
A: Yes, it comes with a standard warranty, with optional extended warranty packages.

Product Pricing

Product Bowers & Wilkins PI7
Price $0/User/Month


Seamless Connectivity
Customizable Sound Profiles

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Premium Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019