Brother HL-L2395DW

Indrustry Based
Efficiency Meets Simplicity: A Comprehensive Review of the Brother HL-L2395DW Monochrome Laser Printer
(customer reviews)

The Brother HL-L2395DW is a monochrome laser printer that promises to revolutionize your printing experience. This all-in-one printer, scanner, and copier offers a seamless blend of functionality and user-friendliness, coupled with robust performance.


What is Brother HL-L2395DW?

The Brother HL-L2395DW is a monochrome laser printer that promises to revolutionize your printing experience. This all-in-one printer, scanner, and copier offers a seamless blend of functionality and user-friendliness, coupled with robust performance.

Key benefits of Brother HL-L2395DW

  • High-Speed Printing: Print up to 36 pages per minute with crisp text and clear graphics.
  • Wireless Printing: Connect with mobile devices and print wirelessly.
  • Touchscreen Interface: Navigate effortlessly through menus using a responsive touchscreen.
  • Duplex Printing: Save paper with automatic two-sided printing.
  • Compact Design: Fits comfortably in small workspaces without sacrificing performance.


Q: Can the Brother HL-L2395DW print in color?
A: No, it's a monochrome printer and prints only in black and white.

Q: Is it compatible with third-party toner?
A: Yes, but using non-Brother toner may void the warranty or reduce print quality.

Q: What is the maximum print resolution?
A: It prints at a maximum resolution of 2400 x 600 dpi.

Q: Does it support AirPrint?
A: Yes, it supports AirPrint for easy printing from Apple devices.

Q: Can I print from cloud services like Google Drive?
A: Yes, with the Brother iPrint&Scan app, you can print directly from various cloud services.

Pricing details

Retail Price: Approximately $169.99
Toner Price: Around $44.99 (Standard Yield Toner)
Subscription Services: Available, including automated toner reordering
Prices may vary based on the seller and location. Often, packaged deals include extended warranties or discount toner.

Product Pricing

Product Brother HL-L2395DW
Price $0/User/Month


Brother iPrint&Scan App
Toner Save Mode
Document Security

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Free plan
Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019