Apple iPhone SE (2020)

Indrustry Based
Unveiling the iPhone for Everyone - Performance, Design, and Innovation at a Competitive Price
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Apple's iPhone SE (2020) has set a new precedent for what consumers can expect from a budget-friendly smartphone. Bridging the gap between premium features and affordability, the iPhone SE (2020) is designed for those who want the Apple experience without the flagship price tag.


What is Apple's iPhone SE?

Apple's iPhone SE (2020) has set a new precedent for what consumers can expect from a budget-friendly smartphone. Bridging the gap between premium features and affordability, the iPhone SE (2020) is designed for those who want the Apple experience without the flagship price tag.

Other Products of the Brand:
iPhone 12 Series: The latest flagship models, boasting 5G technology, A14 Bionic chip, and Ceramic Shield front cover.
iPhone 11 Series: Offering an array of colors, dual-camera system, and A13 Bionic chip.
iPad Pro (2020): Advanced tablet with Liquid Retina display, ProMotion technology, and M1 chip.
MacBook Air (M1, 2020): Revolutionary laptop with Apple's M1 chip, offering incredible performance and efficiency.
Apple Watch Series 6: Fitness and health companion with blood oxygen monitoring, sleep tracking, and more.

Key benefits of Apple's iPhone SE

  • Performance: Powered by the A13 Bionic chip, the same as in iPhone 11, offering fast and smooth performance.
  • Compact Design: A 4.7-inch Retina HD display, housed in an aerospace-grade aluminum and glass design.
  • Camera Quality: Single 12-megapixel rear camera with Portrait mode and 4K video capability.
  • iOS Ecosystem: Access to the vast array of iOS apps, services, and integrations.
  • Value for Money: Premium features at a fraction of the cost of other flagship iPhones.

Pricing details

iPhone SE (2020):
64GB: $399
128GB: $449
256GB: $549


Q: Is the iPhone SE (2020) water-resistant?
A: Yes, it has an IP67 rating for dust and water resistance.

Q: Does it support Face ID?
A: No, it uses Touch ID for security and authentication.

Q: Can it run the latest iOS updates?
A: Absolutely, the iPhone SE (2020) is compatible with iOS 14 and will receive regular updates.

Q: What colors are available for the iPhone SE (2020)?
A: It is available in three colors: Black, White, and (PRODUCT)RED.

Q: Is there a Plus version of the iPhone SE (2020)?
A: No, there is only one size option for this model.

Product Pricing

Product Apple iPhone SE (2020)
Price $0/User/Month


iOS 14 Compatibility
Apple Pay
Health Monitoring
Siri Integration
Family Sharing

Device Support

OnePlus Nord
Samsung Galaxy A51
Google Pixel 4a
Network Compatibility
Wireless Charging

Pricing Option

Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019