Microsoft Teams

IT Managment
Unleashing Potential and Empowering Teams in the Digital Age
(customer reviews)

Microsoft Teams is not just a communication platform; it's a hub for teamwork in the Office 365 suite. A place where conversations, content, and apps come together, Teams offers a new way to collaborate, staying productive while ensuring security.


Microsoft Teams is not just a communication platform; it's a hub for teamwork in the Office 365 suite. A place where conversations, content, and apps come together, Teams offers a new way to collaborate, staying productive while ensuring security. With real-time chats, online meetings, file sharing, and integration with other Microsoft products, Teams sets the benchmark for the modern collaborative workspace.

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Key benefits of Microsoft Teams

  • Unified Communication Platform: Consolidate chats, meetings, calls, and collaborations in a single tool.
  • Seamless Integration: Connects perfectly with Office 365 and many third-party apps.
  • Enhanced Security: Built-in security and compliance features, ensuring data protection.
  • Customizable Workspace: Tailor the platform to suit your team’s unique requirements.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Use Teams on desktop, mobile, and web.

Microsoft Teams offers a variety of pricing models:

Free: Limited features suitable for small groups or individuals.
Office 365 Business Essentials: Starting at $5.00 user/month (annual commitment).
Office 365 Business Premium: Starting at $12.50 user/month (annual commitment).
Office 365 Enterprise E3: Starting at $20.00 user/month (annual commitment).
Prices may vary based on region and other factors. Always consult the official Microsoft website for the latest pricing details.


Q: How does Microsoft Teams compare to other collaboration tools?
A: Microsoft Teams stands out due to its seamless integration with the Office 365 suite, offering unmatched synergy between tools many businesses already utilize.

Q: Is Microsoft Teams secure for my business?
A: Absolutely. Microsoft places a strong emphasis on security and compliance, ensuring your data remains protected.

Q: Can I use Microsoft Teams for large scale webinars or meetings?
A: Yes, Teams offers the capability to host large meetings and webinars, making it a versatile tool for various business needs.

Q: How customizable is Microsoft Teams for my unique business requirements?
A: Teams offers a range of customizations, from tabs to third-party integrations, allowing it to adapt to your specific needs.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of users I can add to a single team?
A: While there's a generous limit set by Microsoft, it's always best to check the latest guidelines on the official website to understand the current limits and capabilities.

Product Pricing

Product Microsoft Teams
Price $0/User/Month


Chat functionalities with individual or group chat options
Video conferencing capabilities
Integration with Microsoft Office applications.
File sharing and collaboration with SharePoint and OneDrive.
Task management and planning with Planner and To-Do integration.

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Free plan
Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019