
IT Managment
The Evolution of Open-Source Databases in Modern IT
(customer reviews)

MariaDB has stormed the IT world as a groundbreaking, open-source database solution. Born as a fork from MySQL, MariaDB has surpassed its predecessor in terms of features, scalability, and security, giving businesses and individuals a powerful tool to manage and store data.


What is MariaDB?

MariaDB has stormed the IT world as a groundbreaking, open-source database solution. Born as a fork from MySQL, MariaDB has surpassed its predecessor in terms of features, scalability, and security, giving businesses and individuals a powerful tool to manage and store data. With its commitment to continuous innovation, MariaDB provides a robust platform suitable for a wide range of applications, from small-scale projects to enterprise-level systems.

Other Products of That Brand:

MariaDB Server: The core database engine.
MariaDB ColumnStore: Optimized for big data and analytics.
MariaDB MaxScale: An advanced database proxy.
MariaDB SkySQL: The cloud-native database-as-a-service.
MariaDB Cluster: Ensuring high availability and scalability.

Key benefits of MariaDB

  • Open Source: Enjoy the freedoms and community support of an open-source platform.
  • Scalable: Whether you're running a startup or a Fortune 500 company, MariaDB scales with your needs.
  • Secure: Packed with advanced security features to ensure data integrity and protection.
  • Innovative: Regular updates bring the latest in database technology to your fingertips.
  • Versatile: From data warehousing to transactional systems, MariaDB fits the bill.

Pricing details

MariaDB offers a range of pricing options, depending on the requirements of the project. The core MariaDB Server is open-source and free to use. Premium products like MariaDB SkySQL come with their respective pricing based on the features and scale of deployment. For precise pricing details, users are encouraged to visit the official MariaDB website.


Q: What is the difference between MariaDB and MySQL?
A: MariaDB started as a fork of MySQL. While they share many similarities, MariaDB has introduced numerous enhancements and features not found in MySQL.

Q: Is MariaDB suitable for large enterprises?
A: Absolutely! With features like Galera Cluster Technology and various storage engines, MariaDB is built for scalability and can handle the demands of large enterprises.

Q: How does MariaDB ensure data security?
A: MariaDB comes equipped with robust security features, including role-based access controls, SSL support, and encrypted data storage.

Q: Can I migrate from MySQL to MariaDB without any hassles?
A: Yes, migration is typically straightforward due to their shared origins. However, always backup your data and test the migration in a safe environment first.

Q: What kind of support can I expect with MariaDB?
A: While the community provides extensive support for the open-source version, MariaDB also offers enterprise-grade support and services for businesses seeking professional assistance.

Q: Does MariaDB support NoSQL?
A: Yes, MariaDB supports a hybrid model, allowing users to work with both SQL and NoSQL data structures.

Q: How often does MariaDB receive updates?
A: MariaDB is committed to innovation, with regular updates and new feature rollouts. Users can keep track of these via the official website or community forums.

Product Pricing

Product MariaDB
Price $0/User/Month


ACID Compliance
Galera Cluster Technology
Storage Engines
Temporal Tables

Device Support


Pricing Option

Free plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019