
IT Managment
The All-in-One Suite for Seamless Customer Relationship Management
(customer reviews)

EngageBay is a comprehensive software solution designed to address the multifaceted challenges of today's digital businesses. By merging CRM, marketing, sales, and support functions into one unified platform, EngageBay becomes an indispensable tool for any modern business wanting to streamline its operations and nurture customer relationships.


What is EngageBay?

EngageBay is a comprehensive software solution designed to address the multifaceted challenges of today's digital businesses. By merging CRM, marketing, sales, and support functions into one unified platform, EngageBay becomes an indispensable tool for any modern business wanting to streamline its operations and nurture customer relationships.

Gone are the days when companies had to rely on multiple tools for different business functions. With EngageBay, businesses can smoothly transition from marketing campaigns to sales outreach to customer support, all within the same environment. Its intuitive interface, robust automation capabilities, and powerful analytics make it easy for both beginners and seasoned professionals to drive results.

Other Products of EngageBay Brand:

EngageBay Marketing: A holistic tool for automating marketing campaigns, segmenting leads, and analyzing campaign performance.
EngageBay Sales: Provides the tools you need for sales automation, from lead scoring to pipeline management.
EngageBay Support: Dedicated to ensuring businesses deliver top-notch customer support with features like ticketing and live chat.
EngageBay E-commerce: A newer addition focusing on online retailers, aiding them in customer retention and shopping cart automation.

Key benefits of EngageBay

  • Unified Platform: No more juggling between apps. Everything from marketing to sales to support is available under one roof.
  • Cost-Effective: With tiered pricing, EngageBay ensures there's a package for every business size and budget.
  • Advanced Analytics: Gain deep insights into your business operations and customer interactions.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, EngageBay grows with you, ensuring you always have the tools you need.

Pricing details

Basic: $14.99/month – Suitable for startups and small businesses.
Pro: $49.99/month – Best for growing businesses with advanced needs.
Enterprise: $99.99/month – Tailored for large businesses with a demand for high customization and integrations.


Q: What differentiates EngageBay from other CRM platforms?
A: EngageBay offers a comprehensive suite of tools that integrates marketing, sales, and support in one platform. This seamless integration ensures efficiency and minimizes the learning curve.

Q: Is there a free trial available for EngageBay?
A: Yes, EngageBay offers a free trial period allowing businesses to explore its myriad of features before settling on a specific plan.

Q: How secure is my data with EngageBay?
A: EngageBay places the highest priority on data security, using advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure your data remains confidential and protected.

Q: Can I customize EngageBay to fit my business needs?
A: Absolutely. EngageBay's Enterprise plan offers advanced customization to tailor the platform to your specific business requirements.

Q: Which third-party tools can I integrate with EngageBay?
A: EngageBay offers integrations with a wide range of third-party tools including payment gateways, email platforms, e-commerce sites, and more.

Q: Is there any onboarding assistance provided?
A: Yes, EngageBay has a dedicated support team ready to assist with onboarding, training, and any questions you might have.

Product Pricing

Product EngageBay
Price $0/User/Month


Multi-Channel Marketing Automation
Sales CRM with Advanced Pipeline Management
E-commerce Integration for Online Retailers
Robust Email Campaign Management

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Standard Plan
Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019