
IT Managment
Transforming Ideas into Visual Art - An Open-Source Platform for Designers
(customer reviews)

InkScape is an open-source vector graphics editor that empowers designers, illustrators, and artists to transform their creative ideas into stunning visual content. With a focus on SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, it provides a versatile platform for creating, editing, and converting vector images.



What is InkScape?

InkScape is an open-source vector graphics editor that empowers designers, illustrators, and artists to transform their creative ideas into stunning visual content. With a focus on SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, it provides a versatile platform for creating, editing, and converting vector images.

InkScape's robust set of tools allows users to play with shapes, paths, text, markers, gradients, and more. Its flexibility and adaptability have made it a popular choice among professionals and hobbyists alike.

Other Products of InkScape

While InkScape itself is a dedicated vector graphics editor, there are various plugins, extensions, and community-driven projects that enhance its functionality. Some noteworthy additions include:

1. Ink/Stitch: An extension for embroidery design.
2. InkScape Laser Tool Plugin: For controlling laser tools.
3. Gcodetools: Aiding CNC machinery control

Key benefits of InkScape

  • Versatility: Handles various vector formats, including SVG, AI, and EPS.
  • Customiza Interface: Tailor the workspace to individual needs.
  • Community Support: Access tutorials, forums, and shared knowledge.
  • Cross-Platform: Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Rich Feature Set: Comprehensive tools for all vector design needs.

Pricing details

InkScape is an open-source platform, which means it's available free of charge. However, users can support the project through donations and active community participation.


Q: Is InkScape suitable for professionals?
A: Absolutely! Its wide array of features and customization makes it suitable for professionals in various fields.

Q: Can I use InkScape on my mobile device?
A: InkScape is primarily designed for desktop use. However, some third-party adaptations may allow mobile use.

Q: What file formats does InkScape support?
A: InkScape supports a variety of formats including SVG, PNG, PDF, and more.

Q: How can I contribute to InkScape?
A: Contributions can be made through coding, translations, donations, or joining the community in forums and discussions.

Q: Is there customer support for InkScape?
A: Being open-source, InkScape relies on community-driven support through forums, tutorials, and shared resources.

Product Pricing

Product InkScape
Price $0/User/Month


Drawing Tools
Path Editing
Object Manipulation
Text Support
Filters and Effects

Device Support


Pricing Option

Free trial

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019