IT Managment
Dive into the World of MySQL – The Forefront of Database Innovation
(customer reviews)

MySQL, a revolutionary database management system, stands tall among its counterparts, offering scalable, reliable, and performative solutions for businesses worldwide.


What is MySQL?

MySQL, a revolutionary database management system, stands tall among its counterparts, offering scalable, reliable, and performative solutions for businesses worldwide. Originated by the Swedish company MySQL AB, and now owned by Oracle Corporation, it's the backbone for countless web applications, from small-scale projects to industry-leading platforms.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), which means it uses structured query language (SQL) for managing its database. It’s renowned for its swift performance, flexibility, and the trust it has garnered among developers worldwide.

Key benefits of MySQL

  • Reliability: MySQL is celebrated for its stable and consistent performance, making it a preferred choice for major tech giants.
  • Flexibility: Being open-source, it can be modified to suit unique requirements, catering to a diverse set of projects.
  • High Performance: Known for delivering high-speed transactional capabilities.
  • Secure: Robust data protection through encrypted connections and data masking.
  • Scalability: Scales well for both read-heavy and write-heavy applications, making it fit for both small businesses and large enterprises.

Pricing details

While the base version of MySQL is open-source and available for free, Oracle provides several commercial versions which offer extended features and support:

MySQL Community Edition: Free
MySQL Standard Edition: Contact Oracle for Pricing
MySQL Enterprise Edition: Contact Oracle for Pricing
MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition: Contact Oracle for Pricing


Q: What makes MySQL different from other RDBMS?
A: MySQL is open-source, which means its source code is available for the public to view, modify, and distribute.

Q: Is MySQL suitable for large-scale applications?
A: Absolutely! MySQL is not just for small projects; it's scalable enough to handle the database needs of giant tech companies.

Q: What kind of support can I expect with the commercial versions of MySQL?
A: Oracle offers 24/7 technical support, maintenance, and regular updates for the commercial versions of MySQL.

Q: How does MySQL ensure the security of data?
A: MySQL uses SHA-256 cryptographic hashing for password encryption. It also supports SSL for encrypted connections.

Q: Can I migrate my existing database to MySQL?
A: Yes, MySQL offers a Workbench Migration Wizard that guides you through the migration process.

Product Pricing

Product MySQL
Price $0/User/Month


Data Replication
Stored Procedures

Device Support

Cloud Platforms

Pricing Option

Standard Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019