Pandora FMS

IT Managment
The Ultimate Tool to Ensure Your IT Infrastructure's Peak Performance
(customer reviews)

In an era dominated by digital transformation, maintaining an optimally performing IT infrastructure is paramount. Enter Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) - a cutting-edge monitoring solution designed for both small-scale and large-scale environments. 


What is Pandora FMS?

In an era dominated by digital transformation, maintaining an optimally performing IT infrastructure is paramount. Enter Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) - a cutting-edge monitoring solution designed for both small-scale and large-scale environments. As its name implies, Pandora FMS offers an unparalleled level of flexibility, allowing users to monitor virtually any device, system, or application.

From overseeing network health to ensuring the seamless functioning of servers, Pandora FMS is the quintessential tool every IT professional needs in their arsenal. Designed with a clear understanding of diverse IT needs, the system efficiently pinpoints issues, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal operational efficiency.

Other Products of the Brand:

Pandora FMS Enterprise: Tailored for larger businesses requiring advanced features.
Pandora FMS OpenSource: A free version that offers a range of basic monitoring capabilities.
Pandora FMS Discovery: A tool specifically for auto-discovering devices and systems in your network.

Key benefits of Pandora FMS

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: From servers, networks, databases to applications - monitor everything under one umbrella.
  • Scalability: Whether you're a budding startup or a global conglomerate, Pandora FMS scales as you grow.
  • Intuitive User Interface: An easy-to-navigate dashboard ensures that even those new to monitoring can use the system efficiently.
  • Timely Alerts: Get real-time alerts to prevent potential IT disasters.
  • Extensive Integration Capabilities: From third-party tools to other ITSM systems, integrate with ease.

Pricing details

Pandora FMS operates on a tiered pricing model to accommodate businesses of all sizes. While the OpenSource version is freely available, the Enterprise edition comes with various pricing options based on the number of agents and the chosen features. For the most updated pricing details, users are encouraged to visit the official Pandora FMS website.


Q: How does Pandora FMS differ from other monitoring solutions?
A: Pandora FMS stands out with its unparalleled flexibility, allowing for monitoring of a wide array of devices, systems, and applications, unlike many of its competitors.

Q: Is there any trial version available before purchasing the Enterprise edition?
A: Yes, Pandora FMS offers a trial version for users to test the functionalities before committing to the Enterprise edition.

Q: Can I upgrade from the OpenSource version to the Enterprise edition?
A: Absolutely! Transitioning from the OpenSource version to the Enterprise edition is seamless and ensures you can access the advanced features without any hassles.

Q: How does Pandora FMS ensure data security?
A: Data security is a top priority for Pandora FMS. The software follows industry-leading protocols and encryption standards to keep all monitored data secure.

Q: Is there customer support available post-purchase?
A: Definitely! Pandora FMS boasts a dedicated support team that's available round the clock to assist with any queries or issues.

Product Pricing

Product Pandora FMS
Price $0/User/Month


Real-time Monitoring
Customizable Dashboards
Event Correlation
SLA, and ITIL KPI metrics
Network Map Visualization

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Free plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019