Lucky Orange

IT Managment
Navigate in the Dark When Lucky Orange Lights Your Way to Digital Success?
(customer reviews)

Have you ever wished you had a magical crystal ball to gaze into your customer's mind? Forget the crystal ball; we have something better: Lucky Orange! In the vast, untamed jungle of analytics tools, Lucky Orange stands out as a beacon of insights, metrics, and user understanding.



What is Lucky Orange?

Lucky Orange! In the vast, untamed jungle of analytics tools, Lucky Orange stands out as a beacon of insights, metrics, and user understanding. It’s not just an analytics tool; it’s your website's new best friend. With Lucky Orange, you’ll unlock the black box of customer behavior and finally understand why some visitors convert and why some just... disappear.

Other Products of That Brand
Lucky Orange Chat - Real-time chat feature to interact with your visitors.
Lucky Orange Polls - Create custom polls to gather customer feedback.
Lucky Orange Dynamic Heatmaps - Visualize where your users click, move, and scroll.

Key benefits of Lucky Orange

  • User Behavior Insights: Forget generic analytics; know your customer's every move.
  • Heatmaps: Paint the town red, literally! See where the hotspots are on your website.
  • Session Recording: Be the fly on the wall, watching live as users interact with your site.
  • Conversion Funnels: Identify choke points in your sales process to maximize revenue.

Pricing details

Basic Plan: $10/month – Up to 3 websites, unlimited heatmaps, and 1 user account.
Standard Plan: $20/month – Up to 5 websites, unlimited heatmaps, and 3 user accounts.
Pro Plan: $50/month – Unlimited websites, heatmaps, and up to 10 user accounts.


Q: What makes Lucky Orange different from Google Analytics?
A: While Google Analytics gives you numerical data, Lucky Orange brings you closer to a narrative style of understanding your users' journeys.

Q: Is Lucky Orange GDPR compliant?
A: Absolutely! Data privacy and security are at the core of Lucky Orange.

Q: Can I integrate Lucky Orange with my e-commerce platform?
A: Yes, Lucky Orange integrates smoothly with platforms like Shopify, WordPress, and Magento.

Q: What's the learning curve for using Lucky Orange?
A: The UI is intuitive. Trust me, if you can navigate a smartphone, you can master Lucky Orange in no time!

Q: Do they offer a free trial?
A: Yes, they offer a 7-day free trial with full feature access.

Product Pricing

Product Lucky Orange
Price $0/User/Month


Live Analytics Dashboard
Session Replays
Conversion Funnels
Real-time Chat
Custom Polls

Device Support

Web Browser
Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Standard Plan
Premium Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.

John Doe - April 3, 2019

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eget facilisis odio. Duis sodales augue eu tincidunt faucibus. Etiam justo ligula, placerat ac augue id, volutpat porta dui.

Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.

Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019