HP DeskJet 3755

Indrustry Based
Revolutionize Your Printing Experience with HP's Smallest All-in-One Printer
(customer reviews)

Meet the HP DeskJet 3755, a marvel in the printing world. With its sleek design, vibrant color choices, and incredibly compact footprint, it's built to fit virtually anywhere and offers a printing experience like no other.


What is  HP DeskJet 3755?

Meet the HP DeskJet 3755, a marvel in the printing world. With its sleek design, vibrant color choices, and incredibly compact footprint, it's built to fit virtually anywhere and offers a printing experience like no other.

The HP DeskJet 3755 is not just about aesthetics; it's an all-in-one printer that can print, copy, and scan. It delivers high-quality prints and boasts a variety of features aimed at convenience and efficiency, all wrapped in an attractive, space-saving design.

Key benefits of  HP DeskJet 3755

  • Space-Saving Design: The smallest all-in-one printer by HP, perfect for tight spaces.
  • Wireless Connectivity: Print from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop with ease.
  • HP Scroll Scan: Handle most scan jobs, from plain paper to photos and receipts.
  • High-Quality Prints: Crisp, sharp prints for all your documents and photos.
  • Eco-Friendly: ENERGY STAR® certified and built with recycled materials.

Pricing details

Standard Retail Price: $89.99
HP Instant Ink Subscription (Optional): Starts at $2.99/month
Warranty: One-year limited hardware warranty
Note: Prices may vary depending on the region and retailer.


Q: Can the HP DeskJet 3755 print double-sided?
A: No, it does not support automatic duplex printing, but manual duplex printing can be done.

Q: Is it compatible with third-party ink cartridges?
A: HP recommends using original HP ink cartridges. Third-party cartridges may work but can lead to quality issues.

Q: What is the maximum printing speed?
A: The HP DeskJet 3755 prints up to 8 ppm (black) and 5.5 ppm (color).

Q: Can I print directly from my mobile device?
A: Yes, the HP DeskJet 3755 supports various mobile printing options including HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint, and Wireless Direct Printing.

Product Pricing

Product HP DeskJet 3755
Price $0/User/Month


HP All-in-One Printer Remote App
HP Instant Ink Ready
Easy Mobile Printing
Quiet Mode

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Standard Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019