HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw

Indrustry Based
Revolutionizing Your Printing Experience with Speed, Precision, and Reliability
(customer reviews)

The HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw is a premium all-in-one color laser printer designed to meet the needs of professionals who demand efficiency, quality, and versatility. This feature-rich device offers everything from high-speed printing and scanning to faxing and copying, ensuring that all your document handling needs are met with a single, robust machine.


What is HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw?

The HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw is a premium all-in-one color laser printer designed to meet the needs of professionals who demand efficiency, quality, and versatility. This feature-rich device offers everything from high-speed printing and scanning to faxing and copying, ensuring that all your document handling needs are met with a single, robust machine.

High-Quality Printing
Boasting a printing resolution of 600 x 600 dpi for black and color prints, the HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw delivers crisp, clear, and vibrant prints every time.

Efficient Multitasking
With a 50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) and a 250-sheet input tray, this printer effortlessly handles large printing tasks. Its impressive 22 ppm printing speed for both color and black & white ensures that your work flows smoothly.

Wireless Connectivity
Equipped with Wi-Fi and Ethernet, this printer offers flexible connectivity options, allowing you to print from smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

User-Friendly Interface
The intuitive touchscreen display simplifies navigation, making it easier to access various functions and settings.

Key benefits of HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw

  • Versatility: All-in-one functionality (print, scan, copy, fax) serves various needs.
  • Quality Prints: Laser technology ensures sharp and vivid prints.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Compatible with HP Instant Ink for economical printing.
  • Ease of Use: Wireless printing and intuitive touchscreen make operation simple.
  • Security: Built-in security features protect sensitive information.

Pricing details

Retail Price: $429.99
Monthly Subscription (with HP Instant Ink): Starting from $2.99/month
Warranty: 1-year limited hardware warranty, extendable to 3 years.
Prices may vary based on location and retailers. Always check with the authorized dealer for the latest price and offers.

Product Pricing

Product HP LaserJet Pro M281fdw
Price $0/User/Month


HP Smart App
Double-Sided Printing
Color Management
Remote Management

Device Support

Android App
iOS App

Pricing Option

Free plan
Premium Plan
Enterprise Plan

Based on 3 reviews



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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019